Picture the Girl: Young Women Speak Their Minds, Audrey Shehyn, Page 30 of 154. 

Dear Audrey Shehyn,
I was in the library at my school( Chamblee Charter High School) looking for a book that looked intriguing, and just when I was loosing hope I found your book Picture The Girl: Young Women Speak Their Minds! I opened the book and saw that they were stories about different girls, not just one I liked that. I'm a little nosy so the fact that the stories are told as if they were speaking interested me even more. The cover is creative how you have a picture of each girl, showing us how unique each girl is just from the pictures. 
                                                                                           Sincerely, Amelia Pittman.
Dear Characters,
I really enjoyed the characters candor to the reader, not scared of hiding the little details.
Maya: I totally understand exactly where you're coming from when you say "I want to make a mark"(Maya,7) I want to also, I want people to look back and hear my name and think wow, she changed the something. You're an advocate for Woman's Rights I see! My favorite part of your story was the quote" I think I'm beautiful, but sort of flawed, in a good way because you wouldn't want to be perfect." I just live that, it describes just about every teenager girl in America.
Ayelet: Your story reminded me of people at my school that one person that doesn't quite fit into the average teenager mold and is mostly solitary, and people need to understand and accept you for you. Sorry to hear about your parents not accepting you, that must suck! STAY STRONG AND DON'T LET ANYONE RAIN ON YOUR SUNSHINE PARADE!
Peaches: The first sentence of your story slick touched me, " Everyone that I ever really cared about gets taken from me",(Peaches,17). that has happened to me so much and because of that we both have our guards up. The fact that you take care of yourself at 16 is something I could never imagine doing, paying rent, bills, and buying food. I wouldn't know where to begin. That has got to be stressful. It's good to see that you started coming back to school,  because honestly without an education life's gonna be 20x harder.
Charlene: Your a nice combination of ethnicities German and Filipino. Don't worry about the girls that hate on you that will always happen with girls. I've never been sexually harassed  but I can say is stand your ground! Let the guys know that enough is enough!...or just call 911.
Olivia: YOUR BABY IS ADORABLE! "You've got to be prepared to do it on your own,no matter what anybody say", I really like that independence is definitely a huge part in being a women and a mother. The situation with your baby daddy isn't the best, but give him a chance maturity does take longer for others. You having a child put all your dreams on pause, and that's one thing I wouldn't be able to deal with.  Life's so short already and being 16 with a baby is really messing up everything in my opinion. One good thing is the that you can afford to support the baby! Good luck (:
Ginjur: "I try to look out for people. I put myself on the line for somebody else if I think they need help", I do the same exact thing, but sometimes I find they wouldn't do the same for me and I hate that so much. 
                                                                              Sincerely, Amelia Pittman.

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